Issues surrounding copyright and fair use are commonly seen across the internet, but also in real world settings such as the class room. When referring to copyright, most people are often times talking about a form of intellectual property that gives owners the exclusive legal right to make copies or reproductions of a piece of creative work. Fair use, on the other hand, is a policy that exist within the United States that allows the use of a limited form or amount of copyrighted material without having the gain permission from the copyright owner to do so first. This is often done for situations such as teaching, giving criticism, and even news reporting. I would say that in the classroom, one of the easiest ways for a teacher to avoid copyright infringement would be to encourage their students to buy a personal copy of whatever work may be copyrighted. 

One issue seen with the implementation of technology within the classrooms has been cyberbullying. One way this issue could be combated would be by monitoring students internet usage and access while at school. Another issue that has been seen due to technology is academic dishonesty. This issue could be combated by providing students with more reliable and informative resources through websites such as JSTOR and through programs that monitor plagiarism, such as Turnitin. 

Newsletters within the classroom are an important resource for parents, as well as an important form of communication between parents and their child's teacher. One skill that could be learned from creating a news letter would be the ability to present important information in a clear and concise manner. It could also be important to make the news letter aesthetically pleasing in order to show a teachers dedication to the class. Even outside of the classroom or a teaching environment, these can be important skills to have for any job or business endeavor. 
