The grade level I chose to discuss for this blog post surrounding the ELA Technology Standards was Kindergarten. The standards listen for Kindergarten are minimal. In short, it ask teachers to guide and support their students through the use of technology and to use a variety of digital tools to help students learn essential skills such as writing and peer work. I feel that i would be equip to meet these standards in the classroom because I have experience with most of the technology the request one be comfortable with, such as a SmartBoard, StoryJumper, and Paint.
When looking at the resources and tools available in the CPALMS Educator ToolKit I once again chose to view the materials available for Kindergarten teachers. The subject I chose to look at was social studies, mainly because I am currently a History major and this is a very similar subject. One resource I found interesting was a lesson plan entitled Purpose and Particulars: Presidents. This lesson plan includes the use of venn diagrams and peer work to encourage critical thinking while incorporating the holiday of Presidents Day to possibly make the assignment more fun for the students.
It is essential to be a proficient internet searching as a teacher for a variety of reasons, one of which it can be a great time saver by yielding the results you desire at a faster rate. One internet searching skill that I currently use and can see myself using well into the future is the snippet feature on websites such as Google. After typing a question into your search engine, the search engine will provide a recommended answer often times in a box at the top of the website.
Hi Haley, I also choose kindergarten for my blog post. I agree with you that even though there are not many standards it is important for the teacher to feel comfortable showing these new learners how to use these technology since it will probably be their first time seeing it. I also love the snippet feature on websites because it makes it easy for learners to find answers they are looking for.